Thursday, July 8, 2010

Digital Imagery

This was a digital image from our tableaux exercise, The Ant and the Grasshopper, that was manipulated in Photoshop. Digital images are such a part of life today. Everyone has a either a phone or digital camera that they use to record family events, odd incidents or just funny situations. Being able to take an image and manipulate it via a program such as Photoshop in order to get a product that will advance a learning goal is a good thing. Finding a tool that you are comfortable with or picking one tool and playing with it is key. I had trouble using Photoshop because there are so many options. I got lost at the beginning of the lesson but with help finally understood the way to manipulate the grasshopper. I am sure that repeated practice and online tutorials will help master that tool. I may also just get my feet wet a bit more with free tools that seem to be more user friendly. (Post 4)

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